150+ Popular Phrases and What You Can Use Instead 1

150+ Popular Phrases and What You Can Use Instead

Learn common English phrases and what you can use instead…

Popular Phrases

Ways to Say “Very Good”

1. You’re on the right track now!

2. That’s the best ever

3. You’ve got it made

4. You’ve just about mastered it

5. Super!

6. Perfect!

7. That’s right!

8. That’s better than ever

9. That’s good

10. Much better!

11. You’re really working hard today

12. Wonderful

13. You are very good at that

14. You must have been practicing

15. That’s coming along nicely

16. You did that very well

17. Good work!

18. Fine!

19. I’m happy to see you working like that

20. Nice going

21. That’s much, much better!

Common Phrases: Ways to Say “Very Good”

150+ Popular Phrases and What You Can Use Instead 2

Alternative Ways to Say GOODBYE

1. So long

2. See you later

3. Be seein’ you

4. Take it easy

5. Bye

6. Bye-bye

7. See you

8. Bye now

9. Be good

10. Catch you

11. See you again

12. See you around

13. See you soon

14. Take care

15. Bye for now

16. Be seeing you

17. I’ll be seeing you

18. Come whenever you can

19. I enjoyed seeing you again

20. Drop in again

21. God bless you

22. You take care

23. Have a good trip

24. Have a nice day

25. Have a safe trip

Common Phrases: Ways to Say GOODBYE

150+ Popular Phrases and What You Can Use Instead 3

Different Ways to Say “Calm Down”

Alternative ways to say “Calm Down”

1. I see that you are having a difficult time, let me help you.

2. Take a deep breath.

3. If you need to hit something, hit this pillow.

4. That can be so frustrating, let’s figure this out together.

5. I see that you are mad, how does that feel in your body?

6. Count to 10.

7. Want to squeeze my hand?

8. How about a big hug.

9. Let’s focus on fixing the problem together.

10. If you are feeling sad, you can tell me about it.

11. You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do

Saying “Calm Down” to Your Anxious Teen

1. Tell me about it

2. I’m listening

3. That sounds tough

4. I totally get it.

5. Let’s breathe together.

6. 1 to 10 scale, how horrible is it?

7. What’s the worst that could happen?

Common Phrases: Ways to Say “Calm Down”

150+ Popular Phrases and What You Can Use Instead 4

Different Ways to Say “NO”

1. No.

2. Nope.

3. No thanks, I won’t be able to make it.

4. Not this time.

5. No thanks, I have another commitment.

6. Unfortunately, it’s not a good time.

7. Sadly I have something else.

8. Unfortunately not.

9. I have something else.

10. Sorry.

11. Apologies, but I can’t make it.

12. Maybe another time.

13. Sounds great, but I can’t commit.

14. I’m booked into something else.

15. I’m not able to make that time.

16. Thanks, but no thanks.

17. I’m not able to make it this week/ month/ year.

18. I’ve got too much on my plate right now.

19. I’m not talking on anything else right now.

20. Bandwidth is low, so I won’t be able to make it work.

Common Phrases: Different Ways to Say “NO”

150+ Popular Phrases and What You Can Use Instead 5

150+ Popular Phrases and What You Can Use Instead 6

Ways to Say GOOD JOB

1. You’re on the right track now!

2. You’ve got it made.


4. That’s right!

5. That’s good.

6. I’m very proud of you.

7. You’re really working hard today.

8. You are very good at that.

9. That’s coming along nicely.


11. I’m happy to see you working like that.

12. That’s much, much better!

13. Exactly right.

14. I’m proud of the way you worked today.

15. You’re doing that much better today.

16. You’ve just about got it.

17. That’s the best you’ve ever done.

18. You’re doing a good job.

19. THAT’S IT!

20. Now you’ve figured it out.

21. That’s quite an improvement.

22. GREAT!

23. I knew you could do it.

24. Congratulations!

25. Not bad.

26. Keep working on it.

27. You’re improving.

28. Now you have it!

29. You are learning fast.

30. Good for you!

Common Phrases: Ways to Say GOOD JOB

150+ Popular Phrases and What You Can Use Instead 7

Different Ways of Saying “For Example”

1. Such as

2. For instance

3. Let’s say …

4. Examples include

5. One example is

6. Including

7. In a similar case

8. To illustrate

9. By way of illustration

10. If you look at …

11. This includes

12. As an example

13. As a case in point

14. Especially

15. An example being …

16. Namely, …

17. In addition to

18. This can be seen when…

19. … is one example of …

20. …as illustrated by…

21. …as seen in …

22. …which is made apparent when…

23. These include…

24. Particularly…

25. This is illustrated…

Common Phrases: Ways of Saying “For Example”

150+ Popular Phrases and What You Can Use Instead 8

Creative Ways to Say “YES”

1. Yep

2. No problem!

3. Yeah

4. Sure

5. Definitely

6. Naturally

7. You bet!

8. Of course

9. OK

10. Okie dokie

11. Affirmative

12. Aye aye

13. Roger

14. Uh-huh

15. Very well

16. Yup

17. Yuppers

18. Right on

19. Ja

20. Surely

21. Totally

22. Yessir

23. Indubitably

24. Yay

25. And how!

26. K

27. Alright

28. Alrighty

29. Sounds good

30. For sure

Common Phrases: Ways to Say “YES”

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