IELTS Speaking Overview & Strategy 1

IELTS Speaking Overview & Strategy

IELTS Speaking! Below is IELTS speaking overview & strategy.

IELTS Speaking Overview & Strategy

The Speaking Module of the IELTS rates your ability to communicate clearly, correctly and meaningfully in English in a variety of situations. You are interviewed alone by an examiner and the conversation is recorded.

The Speaking Module always follows the same three-part structure, though the topics vary from one candidate to the next. You can achieve a higher score by:

  • Understanding the structure so there are few if any surprises
  • Familiarizing yourself with the common topics
  • Practicing extensively with a teacher /tutor so you can get feedback
  • Rehearsing till you can speak comfortably and confidently
  • Receiving tips, advice, and guidance provided online and in IELTS Guide books


Part Time Category

4-5 minutes Introduction & Interview on Familiar Topics


3-4 minutes
Individual Long Turn or Extended Speaking or Monologue


4-5 minutes
Two-Way Discussion or Topic Discussion


In the first part of the speaking section you will usually be asked to give:

  • Your full name
  • Your identification
  • Answers to basic questions about yourself, for example, your hometown – what kind of place it is, What is interesting there, what kind of jobs people do, whether it’s a good place to live
  • What you do –
  • If working: what your job is, why you chose that kind of work, how long you’ve been doing it, what you like/dislike about your job.
  • If studying: what subjects, why you chose them, if you enjoy them and why
  • Usually, two other topics, which might include the following topics: your family, learning English, your hobbies, your food preferences, your daily routine, national festivals, what tourists do in your country, etc.


In this part, you will be handed a card with a topic. You will be given one minute to think about it and make notes if you like. Then you need to speak about it for about one or two minutes.

Examples include:

Describe a subject you enjoyed studying at school. (when and where you started studying it, what lessons were like, what made the subject different from other subjects, and explain why you enjoyed the subject)

Describe an important choice you had to make in your life. (when you had this choice, what you had to choose between, whether you made a good choice, and explain how you felt when you were making this choice)

Describe a job you have done. (how you got the job, what the job involved, how long the job lasted, describe how well you did the job)

Describe an area of countryside you know and like. (where it is, what its special features are, what you and other people do in this area, and explain why you like it)


In this section, you will participate in a two-way discussion with your examiner. The topic will be an extension of a subject you spoke about in Part 2. However, in Part 2, the question related more to your personal experience, and in Part 3, you will be asked more general, extended or in-depth questions to test your ability to expand on a topic and express your opinions.

This is shown below:

Part 2

Part 3

Describe a teacher Education in general, e.g. how are education priorities today different from those in the past?
Describe a person E.g. What type of people influence the young in your country?
Describe a sport Sport in general, e.g. What types of sports are popular in your country?